William Henry Hudson
Born :- 4, August 1841
Quilmws, Buenos Aries Province,
Residence :- 40, Tower House London ,
24 Penzance Parade, Panzance
Nationality :- English Argentine
Died :- 18 August 1922
40, Town Notting Hill Gate,
Que. What is Poetry? What are the types of poetry and Characteristics of poetry?
Introduction :-
William Henry Hudson the crtic and the author of the
book " Intoduction to the study of Literture". Decribes the ways to
study liteture, its types, charateristic. He also decribe abot the
poetry, its types and its characterisitcs.
Defination of Poetry :-
1) According to William Wordsworth :
"Poerty is spontaneous overflow of powerful felling recollected in tranquility".
2) According to Dr.Jonson :
" Poerty is a matrical composition"
3) According to Carlyle :
" Poerty is a Musical thought"
4) According to William Hazlit :
" Poerty is an expression of emotions"
It is also true that say to categorize objective and subjective poetry is rather difficult task the poet becomes objrctive some times he become subjective during objective writing. thus everything depens appon how the poet handles the raw material. the important thing is that how the poet justifies his subject and experiences into wolds in poery any kind of poetry appreciates if the poet able to clarify his vision of life into poetry.
Types of poerty :-
1) Subjective Poetry :
Its is poetry were the post expresses his personal thought , felling , emotions and cocepts etc. The pots self individual's and personality and erpressed and subjective poetry its called subjective poetry . The poet talks with him self for instancs word's worth says " My heart says when i behold rainbow in the sky robert Forst says but I have promiss to keep and miles to go before i sleep.2)Objective poetry :
It means the objective descripion of tyhe poet. it deals with the outher word of passion and action. Objective poetry dese not allowe to entertain the individuality of the poet. third person carries the note in objective poetry .there are few froms of such poetry;epic, ballad, narrative poery.It is also true that say to categorize objective and subjective poetry is rather difficult task the poet becomes objrctive some times he become subjective during objective writing. thus everything depens appon how the poet handles the raw material. the important thing is that how the poet justifies his subject and experiences into wolds in poery any kind of poetry appreciates if the poet able to clarify his vision of life into poetry.
Characteristics of Poerty :-
1) Emotions :
Poert is a one type of literature which conneects the
reader by emosions and emosions paly very important role in poerty.
Whithout emosions poerty is incompleted.
2) Imagination :
One of other importan characteristics is imagination.
When the writter his imagination in the poem its poerty becomes more
powerful because here poerty is describe in such a way that there are
impossible things being made a possible.
3) Personal experience :
One of the other important characteristics of poerty
is that when poet experiences some thing in his life good or bad. He
writs it in the form of litarture.and someone writes it as a poerty.
4) Meter, Rhyming scheme, Rhythm :
One of the importan characteristics without which is incompeted is Meter.
"Meters are the attire given to the poerty"
without meter poerty is incomplete meter depens on the rhyming scheme and the rhythm of the poem.
5) figur of speech :
The other important of characteristic of poetry is
figur of speech. When poet expresss of emotions discribed in poetry but
with the help of figur of speech one can understand what is said in
6) Reflection of life :
When the poet writes poetry there are many emotions
use in his poetry. There are directly or indirectly reflection of life
of the poet. Whwre he discribes about his experience of the life and any
literature its created by the poet by his life and his personal
7) Philosophy of life :
When the poet creates his poery there are philosophis
of his life which are thought, ideas of this life which help him to
convey the massage to the readers by his poetry. Poet uses all his ideas
and thought and philosophy of his life mack poetry meaningful.
Thus,this are the characteristes which are playing
important role in the poetry in if these characteristices are not there
poetry is in incomplete.
Conclution :
Poetry is one of the most effective literature work
and there are more felling and literatry and emotions conveyed to the
reader in form of poerty. There are many characteristics which helps
potry to be effective and powerful.
excellent explanation